All Students at Bailey's Upper Attend a Creative Movement Class

Ms. Epstein teaches Creative Movement to grades 3-5 at Bailey’s Upper.  All Bailey’s students receive a minimum of 30 minutes of Creative Movement instruction each week.  The curriculum is integrated with the grade level standards so students are not only learning the elements of dance, self-control, and self-expression, but also deepening their understanding of science, social studies, language arts, and math. All students learn how to use various movement concepts to express themselves in a creative way that’s related to content. Learning in this way meets the needs of all three learning styles; auditory, visual, and tactile/kinesthetic. For example, fifth-grade students learn a science unit on the rock cycle integrated with movement. In this unit, students hear science vocabulary about igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks; see visual images of the rocks; and explore movements with their bodies to represent each of rocks